About Kudvumisa Foundation

Outreach in Eswatini began under Kudvumisa Trust in 2008 with CHIPS (Children’s HIV Intervention Programme in Swaziland). CHIPS began as an intervention in the Maphiveni and Vuvulane communities in eastern Swaziland for impoverished and isolated HIV affected children and their caregivers to access health care from Good Shepherd Hospital, 50km away. The Foundation (USA and Eswatini) was established to formalize the ongoing CHIPS program and put the infrastructure in place for the future vision of developing a local clinic in these impoverished areas. Employing and training local Swazi’s to provide services into the communities gives us the double advantage of economic empowerment and also developing caring and compassionate staff familiar with the people and communities where they work.
Today, CHIPS stands for Community Health Intervention Programme in eSwatini.
Kudvumisa Foundation (Eswatini) and Kudvumisa Foundation (USA) put the proper foundations in place for long term effective outreach in Eswatini.
Jessica Bohannon, RN
John Hamilton
Isabel Hamilton
Derek Hopf
Dr Jono Pons
Daran Rehmeyer
Teresa Rehmeyer, RN
Marcus Ward
Bryan McReynolds
Susan McReynolds
Kevin Quillen
Daran Rehmeyer
Duane Rehmeyer
Bill Whitehead
Ricky Wright
“Kudvumisa” means to praise in siSwati. We hope to add to the number in Revelation 7:9 standing before the throne singing “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”