Our Impact
Bongiwe M.
Most of the people our organization serves through the mobile medical outreach live in isolated areas. Due to poverty and marginalization, they face tremendous hurdles in the pursuit of primary health care. The goal of our organization is to provide better access to this care in their communities and thanks to the generosity of our donors, we’re able to do that regularly. Our mobile outreach provides support through treating health issues as well as providing refills for chronic conditions.
Meet Bongiwe, a 28 years old resident of Mgidza in the Eastern part of Eswatini. She relies on our outreach for her health care and due to being mentally challenged, she’s unable to secure a full-time job. Bongiwe lives with her child and husband who is paralyzed. The family depends on subsistence farming, however, their small plot does not always produce enough to sustain the family. The generosity of our donors helps Bongiwe and her husband alleviate this struggle through the food parcel they receive whenever we visit them. It’s truly heartwarming to witness the impact your giving is making in the lives of our patients.

Busani S.
"The God who brought Chips to our community must never leave them nor forsake them" These were the words Busani uttered.
This is a family from Mafucula, a rural area in eastern Lubombo. Busani and his wife Khanyisile are one of our patients and rely on the CHIPS mobile clinic for their healthcare needs. Busani, who is paralyzed and his wife, who was diagnosed with cervical cancer, live with their six children and struggle to make ends meet due to both being unemployed.
Before unemployment, Khanyisile was a domestic worker, earning E800 per month and the sole breadwinner for her family. However, due to her illness, she lost her job and their eldest daughter was then forced to drop out of school to search for work. Their daughter is now employed as a domestic worker as well and earns the same amount her mother did, which isn't enough to cover the family's needs. Our team visited the family and brought them medication and food. We are praying for them but are grateful that your giving allows us to provide support and care to them,
This is *Sabelo. A bright little boy we met during one of our medical outreaches at Mahenjane a while ago. On our first encounter with the boy, our nurses noticed his terrible skin disorder. Our team then took it upon themselves to get the minor seen by our volunteer, Doctor Marshal Mpofu who quickly confirmed the sickness as Psoriasis. This is a skin disease known to cause itchy scaly patches, most common on the knees, elbows and scalp. Sabelo's case was eventually taken up by the social welfare department of Siteki and he managed to get treatment at Good Shepard Hospital.

Simphiwe M.
Simphiwe has been on ARV’s for 18 months. Her health has always been frail. In August 2010 she suffered a right stroke and was transported by CHIPS in a critical condition to Good Shepherd Hospital in Siteki. She was in a coma for two weeks and spent an additional six weeks slowly recovering. She is now able to walk and talk but it has left her with some deficits in learning and mobility.
CHIPS sustains Simphiwe through providing transport to the hospital for her ART Refills and doctors’ visits to GSH. She has recently had a hearing screen because it was noted she was very hard of hearing; perhaps due to ART.
The long term future for her is uncertain as she is unable to attend government primary school: it is a long distance to walk and she tires easily, she has fallen far behind the other children of her age. Her hearing problems also make it difficult to attend school. Her family is looking into the possibility of placing her in a special residential school here in Swaziland.
CHIPS makes regular visits to the homestead to encourage the family to continue the physiotherapy and to assess any new problems while offering encouragement and praying with them.
There are nine other children living at the homestead. The father works as a casual laborer for the sugar corporation.

Vusile D.
Vusile was born into a family already devastated by HIV/AIDS. Brothers, sisters, his mother, had all succumbed to AIDS. CHIPS made it possible for Vusile to receive care and treatment since 2009. Born with severe motor control problems, in 2009, Vusile was found crawling in the mud of his homestead. Unable to speak and unable to lift himself up, he was left to wallow in the mud and dirt. In 2010, a baby's walker was donated and given to Vusile. He could now scoot around and stay out of the mud.
Throughout the years, Kudvumisa Foundation through the CHIPS program has provided the support necessary for Vusile's caregiver to get him to the clinic, get his ARV refills and emergency trips when his health deteriorated. Also in 2010, a new caregiver joined the homestead. This lady took special care of Vusile, talking to him, working with him to where in a few short years, Vusile was walking and talking all by himself.
The HIV care Vusile receives is not limited to just himself. His father is also a part of the program and receives help and support to receive his ARVs through Kudvumisa Foundation.
You make it possible for wonderful success stories like these. They would not happen without your continued support.
Shandu S.
Shandu had hip surgery 18 months ago and has limited mobility. He has been in the CHIPS program since 2009. CHIPS staff makes frequent visits to his homestead just to check that he has food, wood, water, to share prayer and the Word of God with him.
CHIPS provides transport for him to obtain his ART Refills from the government clinic in Vuvulane. He is unable to work, read or write so he relies on the CHIPS staff to inform him of his next clinic visits and to supply batteries for his alarm clock so he knows when it is time to take his medication.

Bringing LIFE to the isolated, marginalized, and impoverished.